My Heart Belongs to Clear Lake

Craft ShowThey say that “home is where the heart is”. Well twenty-eight years ago we realized our hearts belonged to Clear Lake. Life had thrown us one of those “curve balls” and there was an unexpected job change. My hubby was in a large city being interviewed for a job and was asked, “ are you sure you want to bring your three young daughters here?” We realized the answer was “no” and that everything we’d always wanted was right here in Clear Lake, Iowa.

Being raised in a larger city, I always loved the times spent visiting grandparents in their small hometowns. What I grew to understand was that I loved the sense of community, of caring and of pride that could be found in a town like ours. I remember once someone indicating that things were just not the same with all of the tourists around. I thought to myself, “you’re right – it’s even better” and felt happy that I chose to embrace the beauty, diversity and excitement brought into our community from people throughout the world. I’m thrilled when tourists come to town!

Chasing the WavesI love the energy of Clear Lake and the variety of things for both “townies” and tourists to do. I truly believe that without our amazing Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and the vision of the City of Clear Lake; our community would not provide the enrichment our family has been fortunate to experience. There are many amazing natural attractions in our community – our 3,684 acre lake; numerous nature areas and camping spots and a host of other places to visit and explore. But the tourist and the community this has become is what fills me with excitement.

Lady of the Lake by Jessica Lynn HannaMy daughter said “Mom, I grew up in a ‘Normal Rockwell’ town”. As I reflect on it I know she’s right.

In Clear Lake, Iowa there is something to do from sun up to sun down and late into the evening. Whether a person’s taste is the quiet and stillness of the the water lapping against the side of the boat while fishing; or the roar and excitement of a boat skimming swiftly over the lake; there’s something for everyone and every season. Theater, concerts in the park or at the Historic Surf Ballroom, guided fishing excursions, yoga on the beach,cycling, sailing, festivals, Farmer’s Market and more – Clear Lake is ready to explore!

YKMW at the Landingh

To learn more, please stop by the Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce Website or click here to request your free visitor guide!

As you may guess, I love exploring and send out a *Thank you to the Clear Lake, Iowa Area Chamber of Commerce for organizing a recent trip to Chicago. Look for more of that later!

A Bond That Goes Far Beyond Brotherhood

Here is a guest piece written by my nephew for Autism Awareness and National Siblings Day about his oldest brother.  It’s filled with love and appreciation of the beauty each one of us holds and has to share with the other!

Dalton & Brody

brodyman_Happy #NationalSiblingDay and #AutismAwareness Month from the big bro and I! Can’t thank this dude enough for all the love and support he has given me throughout the years. There is a quote that reads “autists are the ultimate square pegs, and the problem with pounding a square peg into a round hole is not that the hammering is hard work. It’s that you’re destroying the peg.” With that having been said I just want to say I wouldn’t change a thing about this man. Never. So as the month of April continues on I genuinely hope that all people take some time to make themselves aware of what autism really is and what it entails. After all, square pegs don’t fit into round holes for a reason… Embrace it. Love it. Be thankful for it. The difference is what makes them unique. For example, over the years I have watched Dalton befriend numerous people of an assortment of backgrounds due to his genuinely positive outlook on everyday life. He loves and takes joy from the little things like meeting new people, getting to watch trains pass by, and petting dogs. I admire that, and if we all lived our lives that way the world as we know it would be a much happier place. Therefore, I am proud to say I ❤️ someone with autism. ? 6/4/93


Here is the link to the original: “A bond that goes far beyond brotherhood..


#‎AutismSpeaks‬‪#‎AutismAwarenessMonth‬ ?

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